Michael Andersen
Andre udgivelser
Which sport nation is best in Scandinavia?
This article focuses on elite sport in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, from historical and current perspectives. It tries to answer the questions of how well the three nations perform, both globally and among each other when it comes to elite sport and why they have chosen three different elite sport models.
Hvilken sportsnation er bedst i Skandinavien?
Denne artikel sætter fokus på eliteidræt i Sverige, Norge og Danmark ud fra historiske og aktuelle perspektiver og ser nærmere på spørgsmålene om, hvordan de tre nationer klarer sig, både globalt og indbyrdes, når det handler om eliteidræt og hvorfor nationerne har valgt tre forskellige eliteidrætsmodeller.
Other reports, publications and longer articles
Which sport nation is best in Scandinavia?
This article focuses on elite sport in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, from historical and current perspectives. It tries to answer the questions of how well the three nations perform, both globally and among each other when it comes to elite sport and why they have chosen three different elite sport models.