Jonas Hjortdal
Analyser og rapporter
Matchfixing i dansk eliteidræt
Rapporten omhandler matchfixing i dansk eliteidræt og bygger på 437 besvarelser på spørgeskemaer udfyldt af udøvere, trænere og ledere i forbindelse med matchfixingundervisning i de danske eliteklubber i håndbold, fodbold, badminton og ishockey.
Other reports, publications and longer articles
The formal global sport political power index
The NOC and Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) investigated formal sports political power between all nations. This was made possible by registering members of executive committees in 118 international and European sports federations and applying a weighting of the different roles. This is a method of presenting a picture of the formal power that each nation possess through their elected sports leaders.